Relax! Running, pain and my CFT experience

In the last week I’ve gone on 2 runs. This is a big deal for me! I love running. Running has been one of the things I’ve missed most these last 7 years. I’ve given it a go a few times, and was quite successful last summer (read about it here!), but I started experiencing new pain in my left hip

Dealing with Chronic pain: Egoscue and Pain Education

Working with people in pain is a passion of mine, especially after my own experiences with injury, surgery, rehab, and chronic pain, so I wanted to share some of my experiences with the Egoscue method, which has made a profound difference in my life and in my ability to be active again. It’s really allowed me to get a handle

Small Sips to Savor: Edition 1

I post a lot of small sips on Facebook that may be easier to digest than my longer blog posts but not everyone is on Facebook and even for those who are, it isn’t always easy to navigate to the information you want from your favorite pages because not everything comes into your feed. So I decided I’ll bring my

Meditation for Better Health and Happiness

Have you tried meditation? It’s something I am going to try daily, for just 5 minutes (to start!), to help with my hip pain. Also, I am striving to be more mindful and I think meditation will be a great way to improve my ability to be more present in the moment, more present with my friends and families, and

A Simple Strategy for Reducing Tension and Pain: Static Back

We all feel stress at times; the stress of work, of a hectic schedule, of finances, of testy relationships, of health concerns, of pain. And for many people, the stress can seem almost constant. While some stress is good, this excessive stress can affect our health, our relationships, our mental state of being, our happiness. So how can we let go