Nature photography as chronic pain strategy/therapy

My buddy shared a video on nature photography yesterday and said it reminded him of me and Buster and my picture taking. I loved the post and the video as this has been my experience, too. It’s a video about techniques but it’ll start halfway through where the photographer talks about his story and why he shoots woodland photos and

A moment to reflect: how changing my environment changed my pain experience

I recently attended a writer’s camp in Big Sur, California, a stretch of rugged coast, and afterward took six days to drive from there to Colorado. I wanted to keep myself immersed in nature to let all that I’d learned percolate. I wanted to reflect, to think without distraction, particularly of the digital sort. I didn’t have cell reception for most

The art of walking

The San Diego Pain Summit is still swirling around in my head, an unreal amount of thoughts and ideas associated with all I learned, was exposed to, and talked about there, that it’s hard to even know where to start. I have roughly 4 draft posts in the wings right now because there’s too many directions I want to go

I want to tell you a story

The last month in Colorado has been incredible, and incredibly healing for me. The mountains, the crisp air, the river, the trees, and the sky – oh the sky! – a sky that surrounds you and dwarfs you and makes you think differently about the world – the universe – and our place within it. It’s grand. It’s awesome. It’s inspiring.

Got Nature? Why We Need to Get Outside. Often.

Do you love the greening that spring brings, the color jumping back into the world after a winter of white and gray? Or have you ever been walking down a busy city sidewalk and spied a bit of green that lifted your spirits and made your day (or at least the moment!)? Have you ever been stuck indoors and longed to

Small Sips of Health and Happiness: Edition 2

Changed the name a bit but idea is the same…. Here’s my favorite Facebook posts from the past week in one convenient place for you to scroll through and see what interests you! I’m trying to find the best of the web in the world of health and happiness and bring them to you here in a way that may