The art of walking

The San Diego Pain Summit is still swirling around in my head, an unreal amount of thoughts and ideas associated with all I learned, was exposed to, and talked about there, that it’s hard to even know where to start. I have roughly 4 draft posts in the wings right now because there’s too many directions I want to go

Interesting Stuff for Your Mind, Body, and Soul. (1)

Some Interesting Stuff I Read Recently… I had tried doing this once before but then fell off the wagon. I post a lot of stuff over on my Facebook page that I find interesting as I peruse the web; stuff on movement, nourishment, mindfulness, health, happiness_all kinds of good stuff!-that I find on various blogs, on social media, in peer-reviewed

Finally, a post on why I think everyone should have a FitBit (or activity tracker of your choosing!)

As a person who is obsessed with my Fitbit, I want to infect everyone else with my enthusiasm for activity trackers. I love my Fitbit!! I think everyone can benefit from wearing an activity tracker; young, old, middle-aged, active, inactive, athlete, weekend warrior, office worker, public service employee – I think you get the picture. Sitting less, moving more for