Movement nourishes your mind, body, and spirit. So move your butt.

Movement is powerful, not simply as a means of locomoting from one place to another but rather as a means to keep our bodies and minds functioning at optimal levels. When we sit all day long, our bodies and minds become stagnant. You’ve seen stagnant ponds, right? Stagnant = no good. But when we break up our sitting bouts with

Injury Rehabilitation for Tactical Athletes – We Need to do More

This article  on injury rehabilitation for tactical athletes was originally posted at National Tactical Fitness. Get injured. Get sidelined. Rehab injured body part. Go back at it, likely with some pain and some limitations. Get injured. Get sidelined. Rehab injured body part. Got back at it, likely with more pain and more limitations. Get injured…. You get the pattern. So

Go Slow to Go Fast–Build a Foundation of Good Movement

Nearly everyone that makes a resolution at some point in their lives (or frequently throughout their lives) that includes some component of getting fitter. Often times this includes starting a new workout program to lose pounds but with only a vague or confused understanding of how to accomplish that goal as efficiently as possible. You Google workouts, read fitness magazines