How the words we use can limit our ability to heal

We are the story we tell ourselves. I’m not sure where I heard that but it really rung true for me. We are the story we tell ourselves, we are the words we use to describe ourselves, our lives. So why is it that so many of us tell ourselves a negative story? Or a sad story? Or an angry story? Language

Dealing with Chronic pain: Egoscue and Pain Education

Working with people in pain is a passion of mine, especially after my own experiences with injury, surgery, rehab, and chronic pain, so I wanted to share some of my experiences with the Egoscue method, which has made a profound difference in my life and in my ability to be active again. It’s really allowed me to get a handle

Go Slow to Go Fast–Build a Foundation of Good Movement

Nearly everyone that makes a resolution at some point in their lives (or frequently throughout their lives) that includes some component of getting fitter. Often times this includes starting a new workout program to lose pounds but with only a vague or confused understanding of how to accomplish that goal as efficiently as possible. You Google workouts, read fitness magazines