A Mediterranean style of eating appears more healthful than the Standard American Diet

I posted recently about how the Standard American Diet really is pretty SAD. And how our fear of fat has lead us down a path of tasteless, crappy food touted as “lite”, “diet”, and “healthy” but are really just processed gut bombs loaded with refined sugars, highly processed oils, genetically modified foods, and synthetic ingredients created in a lab, not

Just Say No to Tasteless Diet Foods

That’s Right – No More Fat-Free and Lite Diet Foods Today, I’m channeling Nancy Reagan and encouraging you to JUST SAY NO! No to what, you may ask? No to anything labeled ‘diet’, ‘fat-free’ or ‘low-fat’. Most of these diet foods remove good for us fats  that help us absorb nutrients and provide our cells with nourishment and replace them

Stop Dieting! A Simple Way of Eating Healthier

Eat Real Food Last post I talked a bit about why I don’t think “dieting” works (miss that post? check it out here). I try to keep my “diet” simple and it’s not really a diet at all, it’s just a simple way of eating every day (and I enjoy it!). What is this magic way of eating? When I’m

How’s Your Diet Working Out For You?

Honestly, how happy are you with your current diet? Sometimes we have to slow down a bit and actually assess what we’re doing and see if it’s working for us. This can be hard to do because we may not always like the answers we find, particularly when it comes to our diet. What if we determine what we’re doing